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Why Do Big Brands Still Run Ads? The Power of Visibility

In a world where companies like Nike, Apple, Disney, and McDonald’s are household names, it might seem puzzling that these giants still spend millions on brand advertising. If everyone already knows them, why bother? The answer lies in a fundamental principle of marketing: visibility equals profitability. Let’s dive into why brand advertising remains crucial for big brands and what lessons you can apply to grow your own brand.

The Power of Visibility

One of the core reasons big brands continue to invest heavily in advertising is because they understand that visibility drives sales. Even the most well-known brands need to stay top-of-mind for consumers. The phrase “out of sight, out of mind” applies to the business world just as much as it does to personal relationships. If people don’t see your brand, they’re less likely to think of it when making a purchase.

For big brands, consistent visibility ensures that their products and services are always in the consumer’s consciousness. This constant presence not only reinforces brand loyalty but also captures the attention of new customers. Without regular advertising, even the most successful brands would see their market share diminish.

The Myth of Bottom-of-the-Funnel Focus

In recent years, many marketers have shifted their focus to the bottom of the sales funnel—those customers who are ready to buy. While this approach can be effective, it overlooks a critical fact: the majority of your potential audience isn’t at the bottom of the funnel. In fact, only about 5-7% of your total potential audience is in the buying stage at any given time.

This means that if you only focus on the bottom of the funnel, you’re missing out on a huge portion of your audience. Big brands understand this and use top-of-the-funnel brand advertising to ensure they’re capturing the attention of that other 93-95% who aren’t quite ready to buy yet. By doing so, they ensure that when those consumers are ready to make a purchase, their brand is the one they think of.

The Role of Social Media in Brand Advertising

Social media has leveled the playing field, allowing small and emerging brands to compete with industry giants. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn offer businesses the opportunity to create visibility without the massive budgets that big brands have. However, many small business owners are hesitant to leverage these tools effectively. They may lack the know-how or confidence to create engaging content that resonates with their audience.

Big brands don’t just show their products; they create compelling narratives and experiences that draw consumers in. Whether through entertaining Super Bowl ads or engaging social media campaigns, they understand that brand advertising isn’t just about selling a product—it’s about creating a connection with the audience.

The Bottom Line: Visibility is Essential

The minute big brands stop advertising, they see a drop in sales. This lesson applies to businesses of all sizes. If you want to grow your brand, you need to be visible. Consistent brand advertising, whether through social media or traditional media, keeps your business in front of potential customers and ensures that when they’re ready to buy, they think of you.

In Conclusion about Visibility

In conclusion, brand advertising is not just a luxury for the big players—it’s a necessity. By staying visible, these companies maintain their dominance and continue to drive sales. 

For smaller brands, the key takeaway is clear: leverage the tools at your disposal to create visibility and keep your brand in the minds of your target audience. Whether you’re a startup or an established business, visibility is crucial to your success.

Contact us today to find a way to grow your brand by email:

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Why Everyone Has a Personal Brand

In today’s digital age, every single person has a personal brand, whether they realize it or not. A personal brand is not just for celebrities or influencers; it’s for everyone. It encompasses your online presence, your reputation, and how you present yourself to the world.

Understanding Your Personal Brand

Your personal brand is essentially your digital reputation. It is shaped by your bio on social media channels, your posts, interactions, and the way you conduct yourself online. Each tweet, Facebook update, and Instagram story contributes to the image others have of you. Even if you haven’t consciously built it, it exists.

Consider your social media profiles. Your bio, profile picture, and the content you share are all elements of your personal brand. They communicate who you are, what you value, and how you engage with the world. This digital footprint is visible to friends, family, potential employers, and business contacts, making it a critical aspect of your online presence.

The Importance of Reputation

Reputation has always been crucial in personal and professional relationships. In the digital era, personal branding translates this concept into the online space. Your brand can influence how others perceive you, impacting your relationships, career opportunities, and business dealings.

Think about it: if someone were to Google your name, what would they find? The search results, social media profiles, and any public content contribute to your brand. A positive digital reputation can open doors, while a negative one can close them. This is why managing and curating your personal brand is essential.

Curating Your Personal Brand

The beauty of a personal brand is that you have control over it. You can curate and design it to reflect the image you want to portray. Here are a few steps to effectively manage your personal brand:

  1. Audit Your Online Presence: Search for yourself online and see what comes up. Assess your social media profiles and public content.
  2. Define Your Brand: Decide what you want your brand to represent. What are your values, skills, and interests? How do you want to be perceived?
  3. Create Consistent Content: Share content that aligns with your brand. This includes blog posts, social media updates, and professional articles.
  4. Engage Authentically: Interact with others online in a way that is genuine and true to your brand. Build relationships and network with individuals who reflect your values.
  5. Monitor Your Brand: Regularly review your online presence and make adjustments as needed. Stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in personal branding.

The Power of Personal Branding

When done correctly, personal branding can help you reach millions of people. By understanding the science of personal branding, you can scale your influence and make a significant impact. It’s not about being fake or creating a false image; it’s about highlighting your best qualities and sharing them with the world.

In conclusion

Everyone has a personal brand, whether they actively manage it or not. It’s your digital reputation, and it’s vital to take control of it. By curating and managing your brand, you can enhance your personal and professional relationships, open new opportunities, and build a positive online presence. 

Remember, people buy from people, and your personal brand is a powerful tool in connecting with others.

Contact us today to find a way to grow your brand by email:

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